Thursday 27 March 2014

Print Club London : Research

Screen Prints:

I have decided to research into screen printed posters themselves so that I gain enhance my appreciation further for the process. I want to notice details and study clever techniques that I can use myself. I started out researching by searching on the internet but then I realised that the best way to gain an understanding of screen print it to actual look at physical screen prints, so I turned to my walls and examined the screen printed work I have on my walls. It was great to look in find detail at the prints and it had given me a wider knowledge in uses of things like colour and I feel i know from looking at the prints how to and how not to use it effectively.

For this project I want to use ways of making the poster more abstract and I think one way of doing this is through the use of special inks like glow in the dark. From looking at screen prints that have got this special finishes on I can see it is very effective and is something that I will definitely explore to use.

Sailers / Ships:

As this band is called 'Tallships' and I want to represent their name literally but in an abstract way I have been looking directly at ships and sailers so that when it comes to drawing this poster I will feel well informed about how a ship looks / old sailer. All the boats I have looked at are truly beautiful and I think drawing them out will really do them justice as there is so much detail which will make the screen print look nice and tactile.

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