Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Lotions & Potions : finished product

Photo stills:




Final Images:

This is the finished out come for Lotions & Potions which consists of a number of different outcomes such as, swing tag, recipe book, posters and business cards. 

The customer would decide what bottles they want to bring in to fill up with their favourite potion, but if someone did come in the shop without knowing the concept there would be bottles on show for sale. 

I have made these posters from the hand made paper which also re uses the waste food. This concept would work well in this shop as everything is fresh and so at the end of the day if something hasn’t sold you could mix it in with the paper for recycle and make some fresh new paper. 


As the concept for this beauty shop is all about DIY
I have created a recipe book filled with the beauty recipes that they would use in store that the customer could buy and do the beauty products at home.


The clipboard is an easy and user friendly way of producing a menu. It is easy to look through and pass around and, it is also easy to change if the menu changes with the seasons of the year. 

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