Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Lotions & Potions : design development


This is the development for the logo. I have centred the logo around the witchy concept of the mixing Calderon as mixing is a big part of the concept of the shop mixing up potions.

This is the logo I have created for lotions and potions. I feel this logo speaks the concept the clearest and is visual pleasing.

Recipe Book :
As the shop is all about DIY beauty remedies it seems very fitting to create a recipe book for all the DIY recipes for beauty. The book would include the recipes and continue the witchy feel by including the witches spell style poems.

I have photgraphed the fruit for each recipe as I feel this is a very clear way of showing exactly what the ingredients are to each recipe. 

When thinking about the logistics of a recipe book I realised often they are at risk of getting very messy so I have decided to use the image of the ingredients as a protector over the actual recipe 



The tag will feature the logo stamped on the front and on the back I have decided to leave it blank and the person who is mixing the potion would fill it In This way it makes the tag a bit more personable for the customer.



To make sure that things in the range are fitting together I have created a large document to look at visually to see if things are working in unison which I belive they .

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